a Midwest Textiles brand
Brand Strategy
Creative Direction
Crafting innovative strategic brand vision
with effective creative direction.

Crafted a new Textile Brand for Midwest Textiles who is a manufacturer and distributor of quilting fabrics worldwide. TG is curating unique artists and creating collections to release throughout the year. Featuring new artists, stunning art, breaking through the clutter of a saturated fabric market.
Strategic free products to assist in selling fabrics on a global basis.
Workshops & Magazine
Celebrating a hand crafted life!
SYCHIL Magazine is an inspirational and useful publication for building a stylish wardrobe.
This vehicle successfully addressed the customer need for deeper learning and experience with the brand.
A 32 page magazine delivered to subscribers in print and digital formats. SYCHIL offers new inspiration, projects and 'hacked' sewing patterns to create new garments. Also includes profiles, favorite things, a resource directory and inspirational imagery to build a stylish wardrobe.
Build a wardrobe as beautiful as you are!
Be who you are everyday.

t i n a g i v e n s

Tina Givens launched her namesake brand in 2012 targeting niche independent boutiques that carry similar lines. Created a cottage industry production process whereby each garment was cut in-house and piece goods were shipped to various small sewing studios around the country. Goods were shipped back and processed at TG STUDIOS and shipped according to set ship dates.
Tina exhibited at national shows in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Dallas Texas. Sales and marketing plans were complete with national sales reps and showrooms around the country.
We ship to just over 200 stores worldwide.
Our future business model includes sourcing in beautiful places around the world and putting women to work in beautiful studios and at-home artisans.
When COVID hit our world, everything changed within this niche industry, and with other factors as an aging boutique owner and closed boutiques Tina decided to take time off to reinvent and find a solution to pivot into a direct B2C sales strategy. This has been highly successful and it is wonderful connecting to our beautiful customers.
Since then retail has increased dramatically and I am delighted to reconnect and partner with new stores.
'Making clothes is in my blood and I will always nurture my need to design and create, whether for myself or a small collection when it makes sense.'
Sewing Patterns
Designed for a niche audience,
with designs never before seen in pattern form.
Inspired as a support marketing strategy to fabric sales, TG developed this unique collection of print patterns. Pioneering the download pattern format for at-home printing, which resulted in a new and significant revenue stream with a global audience.
Brand Story
SEWTG sewing patterns focus on a niche audience with a particular point of view. Targeting women 45+ who prefer looser styles, and a certain layered look. With over 150+ designs to choose and mix and match with, the brand developed within a relatively short time.
Focused on SM marketing - Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram advertising, online video chats and multiple distribution channels the brand has grown into a global resource for passionate home sewers.
The product speaks for itself in quality and style, so word of mouth and private Facebook addict groups have grown over time. Product is offered in print and download formats, of which download purchasing has outgrown print sales.
With a subscriber program offering multiple levels giving members discounts, free product and access to workshops and the related publication, SYCHIL featuring existing and new product hacks, tips and profiles. Our customer experience offerings have increased in order to retain and acquire customers.
Automated lifecycle marketing efforts have proven highly successful in growing and offering advocacy for our customers.
Licensed Textile Designer Apparel,
Quilt, & Home Markets
TG is a successful surface design artist who is currently with Benartex Fabrics / Bernina Sewing Machines. She has designed hundreds of collections for FreeSpiritFabrics®, then owned by Coats,
Pottery Barn, Au Haus
Coats & others
Quilting Manufacturers
Licenses with Anthropologie
Free People
+ various publishers and a variety of manufacturers
gifts with intension
Introducing a new approach to gifting.
It's personal, genuine and sustainable.
Developing a product line to break through the clutter of existing collections available to gift and stationery shops nationwide.
Our message to our retailer audience: "It's time for extraordinary growth - Discover new products. Break into new categories."
Lenya's Love explores the unexpected yet delivers functional, beautiful products. Stand out with us!

Welcome to Lenya
Our gift products are designed to create experiences aligning to your customers' values. We believe in design for all and invite self expression with eclectic a la carte buying options. We wish to inspire connection, love and social awareness, emotional well being and self confidence. We are environmentally conscious and celebrate through thoughtful consumption.....
Less whimsical and more classic with a global artisan value and beauty.
Cid Pear
Lead Stationery Vendor at Bloomingdales NY
2004 Cid Pear launched at National Stationery Market
Response was astounding
Hit $1.2M in 2 years
Cid Pear had a specific POV in maintaining quality textured papers, lined envelopes and pretty watercolor artwork with a sense of humor and whimsy.
A pioneer animated website with capability of real time design for customized stationery products.
Brand went on to a licensing agreement with CCS Industries, CR Gibson.

Brand Story
Cid Pear was born from illustration and surface design by Tina Givens. Whimsical characters were featured on ivory textured watercolor paper, and included coordinating envelope liners.
Products initially included foldover cards, flat stationery cards, invitations, bridal sets and an incredibly popular enclosure gift card measuring just under 3" square with a matching fully printed envelope.

2008 brought sales down considerably but the unique and high-end bridal and baby announcement series, offering customized printing and design services, increased the category sales.
At this time, TG developed a website with an interactive customizable program for users. This was innovative at the time and further increased sales.
Product offerings increased into gift items in 2010 and in 2011-2014 CR Gibson, a CCS Industries owned gift and stationery manufacturer, licensed the entire brand.
This gave Cid Pear increased exposure and opened up the product offering into ceramics, glass, and paper gifts.
Trade shows and sales reps included National Stationery Show • NY Now (then NYIGF), Atlanta & Dallas CR Gibson showrooms and other regional shows.
Catalogs of all products were shipped to thousands of stores within the USA, Canada and to the international gift market.